39 products
Automatic uncapping line with hot water heating system + 2 m-long frames rack with wax press 200kg/H
Automatic uncapper with a capacity of-320 per hour
Loading rack 2 m long.
Uncapping motor: 0.18 kW
Hot water heating system for uncapper blades with 5 litres water tank. 0.80kW, 230V
2 m long frames rack
Honey and wax pressing system 200 kg/hour
Electric Wax Melters & Centrifuge
Due to the various configuration possibilities of the mini line, the price of the device is determined individually for the customer.
Universal - for all types of frames
Stainless steel cover
Perforated sieve for honey and wax separations,
Entirely made of stainless steel acid-resistant 1,5 mm thick
Universal - for all types of frames
Perforated sieve for honey and wax separations,
Entirely made of stainless steel acid-resistant 1,5 mm thick
Universal - for all types of frames
Stainless steel cover
Perforated sieve for honey and wax separations,
Entirely made of stainless steel acid-resistant 1,5 mm thick
Uncapping tables
Universal - for all types of frames
Stainless steel cover
Perforated sieve for honey and wax separations
Entirely made of stainless steel acid-resistant 1,5 mm thick
Universal - for all types of frames
Perforated sieve for honey and wax separations,
Entirely made of stainless steel acid-resistant 1,5 mm thick
Uncapping tables
Universal - for all types of frames
Perforated sieve for honey and wax separations,
Entirely made of stainless steel acid-resistant 1,5 mm thick