Fillingstation "Budget"
Complete filling station, where the DANA api MATIC 1000 and an automatic filling table are combined into one unit.
Our smallest filling station with a Dana api Matic 1000 and an automatic Ø70cm turntable.
Empty jars are placed on the table top and then transported automatically to a photocell. Once the photocell detects the jar, the table stops and the filling machine starts filling the jar. Once the jar is filled the table starts turning again until the next jar arrives in front of the photocell.
In this unit, the filling machine can be adjusted
both horizontally and vertically to accommodate
various jar sizes.
Filling machine: Computer controlled gear pump
Filling range: 10ml - 10.000ml
Pump capacity: Approx. 280 l /h
Filling capacity: 550 fillings /h at 370ml, up to 2000 fillings/h at 30 ml.
Precision: <1%, max. +/- 3g at 750 ml
Power: 230V, 150 W
Connections: 1 1/2" BS 2" eller 1 1/2"
Accessories included: Footpedal, hose, fitting, nozzle, dosing syring
Accessories separate: Various fittings, stand, nozzle for low viscous liquids