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Semi-automatic diagonal honey extractor
The advantage of this type of equipment is time saving. When the honey extractor spins the frames, the beekeeper can prepare more of them for extraction. Using a Konigin semi-automatic diagonal honey extractor, you can work efficiently even alone.
Diagonal honey extractor? Good for starters
When starting your adventure with bees, it is worth remembering that you will need some basic equipment. A device for extracting honey may turn out to be necessary in the first year, and it will certainly be needed in the following seasons. A diagonal honey extractor is the right solution for a beginner beekeeper. It is also recommendable for a beekeeper with many years of experience, but a small apiary.
Who is the diagonal honey extractor for?
When setting up an apiary, it is safer to start with something small. Taking your first steps is never easy. One such small step, but in the right direction, is the purchase of a diagonal honey extractor. This device is used to obtain honey from honeycombs. After removing the wax coating that protects the honey from spilling out of the comb, the frames are inserted into the honey extractor. Centrifugation takes place in a direction parallel to the walls of the honey extractor, on which the honey flows to the bottom and then to the drain.
Diagonal honey extractors offered by Konigin will also be appreciated by beekeepers with many years of experience, who for various reasons have not decided to create a large apiary or have decided to reduce it to a typically hobbyist size. The high standard of workmanship translating into long-term use and comfort of work are the greatest advantages here.
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